Employee Spotlight - Sgt. Christopher Goings
Tuesday, 09 August 2022E M P L O Y E E S P O T L I G H T -- S G T G O I N G S We are happy to feature one of GPF’s newest sergeants, Christopher Goings. SGT Goings joined Guardian in March of 2020 which, as most of us ...
Situational Awareness
Tuesday, 09 August 2022Situational Awareness for Security Professionals & You The purpose of any security service is to train their officers to prevent or deter an incident before they manifest. However, when it appears ...
12th Annual Company Celebration
Tuesday, 09 August 2022GPF Friends & Family, It is with a heavy heart we formally announce our 12th Annual Company Celebration is being postponed. With had record-low registration, rapid growth + special event assignments ...
Lollapalooza Security Guard Allegedly Faked Mass Shooting Threat to Leave Work Early
Saturday, 06 August 2022https://apple.news/ADzfB7faZRuCZZaWwInpG0w
Closing Out National Safety Month
Monday, 27 June 2022CLOSING OUT NATIONAL SAFETY MONTH It’s no surprise that every job comes with its own level of risk. In the world of private security that level fluctuates wildly hour by hour or sometimes minute by ...
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder & Your Security
Monday, 27 June 2022P . T . S . D & Y O U R S E C U R I T Y Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is sadly more common these days with over 44.7 million people in the U.S who suffer from it. Initially associated with ...
Technical Security Measure VS. Physical Security
Friday, 17 June 2022Technical Security Measures versus Physical Security If you own or manage a business that is open to the public then security is going to be an issue that you need to address. In these modern times ...
Feature Friday: Employee Spotlight - FTO Corey Davis
Friday, 17 June 2022F E A T U R E F R I D A Y FTO Cory Davis A new Friday and a new Feature is coming to you! This month we would like to recognize FTO Cory Davis for his continued dedication to Guardian Protection ...
Unsung Stories of D-Day
Wednesday, 08 June 2022Unsung Stories of D-Day This week, 78 years ago, the U.S along with British, Canadian, French and a host of other countries' troops invaded the German occupied territory in Normandy, France.
Memorial Day 2022
Monday, 30 May 2022A DAY TO REMEMBER ... On this day, we take a moment to honor our fallen fighting service men and women who gave their lives for the cause of freedom. Many people have different ways of celebrating ...